About Us

Who is Your Premier Travel Service?
YPT is an award-winning travel concierge with over 30 years of experience planning and organizing travel excursions. As the oldest African-American-owned travel agency in Michigan, we pride ourselves in our dedication to providing exceptional customer service, remaining current on ever-changing travel trends, and giving back to the community.
Let's Plan Your Dream Vacation
With over 40 years of experience, we take the pain out of planning, no matter what the occasion.

Our Mission
Our mission at Your Premier Travel is to provide exceptional travel experiences and customer service to allow us to give back to local community charities for mentoring programs that encourage children to find their place in the world through academics, entrepreneurship, service, and travel.

About The Owner & CEO
Sanya loves to travel she is an award-winning travel expert and CEO of Your Premier Travel Service, the oldest African-American owned travel agency in Michigan has more than 30 years of experience planning and organizing travel excursions. A third-generation business owner, she comes from a family legacy of professionals and leaders in the travel industry. Sanya, a native Detroiter is an internationally recognized entrepreneur, thought leader and community leader. A recognized authority in her industry, Weston has appeared as a travel expert on local and national media platforms. Additionally, she founded Young People Travel Global Edge Mentoring Programs to encourage children to find their place in the world through academics, entrepreneurship, service, and travel and Skylar’s Way foundation a respite fund to support first responders in her community due to the effects of COVID-19. During her spare time Sanya volunteers as a Girl Scout Leader with the Girl Scouts of U.S.A. Sanya believes the continued success of Your Premier Travel Services’ is their dedication to providing exceptional customer service, remaining current on changing travel trends, and giving back to the community.
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